Choosing Well-Being – A mental health and well-being conference like no other!

Choosing Well-Being – A mental health and well-being conference like no other!

The 2024 Glasser Australia Conference ‘Choosing Well-Being’ will explore a range of perspectives.  Dr Glasser’s Choice Theory offers the tools needed to move out of a paradigm of fear into a sense of freedom and empowerment.

This Conference will create a space for you to:

* Increase your knowledge and skills to improve your mental health and wellbeing, both personally and professionally.
* Discuss current thinking and trends around mental health and wellbeing, trauma informed and general counselling, quality relationships, quality education and lead management.
* Network with likeminded people.
* Establish and maintain quality relationships.
* Listen to and appreciate differing and/or alternative perspectives.
* And most importantly have fun!

The 2024 Conference is sure to be a hit with keynote presentations from Prof. Zoltan Sarnyai, Kari Sutton, Vanessa Stokes, Rob Stones, Cathy O’Toole and Meredith Wenta

In addition we have Dr James Kirby presenting a Keynote ‘Choose Compassion’ – and Maureen Sansom will present a workshop on Day 1 of the conference called ‘Connect with Compassion’